SVLTX For many years, ADC has endeavored to provide high-quality, low-cost software. Among the vast array of software available for IBM and compatible computers, Shareware software has consistently been a leader in delivering true value to the consumer. Therefore, in addition to the software published and distributed by ADC, the SOFTWAREVAULT BBS has always offered the best selections from the Shareware available. Now, ADC has gone a step further to ensure that the consumer can obtain the greatest number of quality programs for the lowest cost, by publishing the SOFTWAREVAULT CD-ROM Library. Along with this new offering from ADC, the ADC BBS has changed its name to the SOFTWAREVAULT BBS to emphasize the enormous library of Shareware programs available over the telephone by modem. However, for those who want to acquire a very large library of programs quickly, the CD-ROM Library is the best and most cost- effective method. ADC has very carefully chosen programs from top authors to create one of the world's largest collections of Shareware and public-domain software. Shareware is a "try-before-you-buy" method of selling software. In the beginning, Shareware was purchased directly from the author. The authors were able to avoid the cost of marketing through normal retail channels and the consumer was able to obtain great bargains. One drawback, however, was the limited information available to the public about what software was available. Distributing Shareware software through computer bulletin boards was the very logical solution that soon became standard procedure for all Shareware authors. By allowing programs to be copied from bulletin boards and shared with few restrictions, Shareware is able to reach a much greater number of users. The SOFTWAREVAULT BBS is one of the better bulletin boards bringing shareware to the consumer. We maintain a good working relationship with the authors and afford them the chance to present their software in an electronic marketplace at a greatly reduced cost. The distribution of Shareware software by CD-ROM is the next logical progression. It is like downloading thousands of programs from the BBS at once. The same Shareware rules and requirements apply, of course, but you receive so many programs at one time that you can instantly build an impressive software library. ADC pays a great deal of attention to all of the software it distributes. All programs uploaded to our BBS are carefully tested and reviewed to ensure performance and to detect the presence of a virus. The software is copied to high quality streaming tapes and our CD-ROM discs are produced using state-of-the-art technology. And, of course, our technical staff is available to help with any questions you might have. From our beginning, ADC has recognized that the consumer is the very most important link in the chain of successful distribution. The success of ADC in distributing all of the software it carries has depended upon listening to, and understanding, the needs of our clients, and providing solutions when they are needed. The same is true for our CD-ROM Library. We want to hear from you and learn what can be improved in the future. Feel free to use all of the means of communicating with us for this purpose, including leaving messages for us on our BBS. COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS: We welcome your comments and suggestions for future SOFTWAREVAULT Collections. You can contact us at: AMERCIAN DATABANKERS CORPORATION 5220 East 69th Place Tulsa, OK 74012 USA (800) 775-4232 in the USA and Canada (918) 497-1201 International ******************************************************************* Shareware and the Association of Shareware Professionals ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (tm) Association of Shareware o Professionals The shareware concept makes it possible for you to obtain extremely powerful software at a price you can afford, and it gives you the opportunity to try the software before you register. The Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP), is an organization formed to strengthen the future of shareware. Its members, all of whom are programmers that subscribe to a code of ethics, are committed to the concept of shareware as a method of marketing. The ASP sets standards for its members and their shareware products which provide (among other things) that programs produced by ASP members must be fully documented, non-crippled, and offered with at least a minimum level of support. It also sets the standards for shareware disk vendors and provides information to the public about shareware. Shareware software is a unique marketing approach which allows consumers to purchase software directly from the author. This eliminates costly marketing, promotion, and packaging; allowing consumers to obtain quality software at a fraction of the commercial cost. Shareware authors allow their programs to be copied and distributed with few restrictions. Shareware users are encouraged to examine a program, copy it, and pass it on to friends. If users find the software program useful, they are asked to register with the software author. This usually means paying a registration fee directly to the shareware author. In return for this registration fee, "registered users" receive the right to continue to use the software and added benefits such as full documentation, technical support, and future updates of the program. Registration is the key to success for the shareware concept. If you try a program and it does not meet your needs, you are not expected to register. However, if you try a program, like it, and continue to use it, you should compensate the author with a registration fee. Registration also insures further development of the program. Shareware is the "try-before-you-buy" method of software distribution that will literally save you hundreds of dollars on software purchases. American Databankers Corporation, distributor of The SoftwareVault, is an approved vendor and associate member of the Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the shareware principle works for you. If you are unable to resolve a shareware-related problem with an ASP member by contacting the member directly, ASP may be able to help. The ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute or problem with an ASP member, but does not provide technical support for members' products. Please write to the ASP Ombudsman at 545 Grover Road, Muskegon MI 49422-9427 or send a CompuServe Mail message to ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536 or FAX 616-788-2765. ******************************************************************* The SOFTWAREVAULT Gold Collection COPYRIGHT NOTICE: 1. Copyright 1993, American Databankers Corporation. All rights reserved. American Databankers Corporation's copyright covers the research, editing, organization and compilation of the CD ROM, and also any individual programs or descriptive materials which are the original creation of American Databankers Corporation. Unless otherwise specified, the American Databankers Corporation does not claim literary rights to individual programs which have been licensed for use by others. 2. American Databankers Corporation expects everyone to respect the author's copyright notices as well as all terms of licenses. Users MAY NOT download files or programs with the intent to sell a copy. BBS operators and users may download or copy files or programs from The SOFTWAREVAULT CD-ROM Library providing that no charge is made for copies and all copyrights and license terms are respected. ******************************************************************* ********************************************** Register your favorite shareware programs directly with the author of the shareware program. These authors work many long hours to produce and test these programs that are on the SoftwareVAULT CD-ROM. They have earned the right to be paid for their efforts by the sweat of their brow. The registration price for a shareware is usually very small ($5.00 - $85.00 US). Registering a program brings with it additional benefits. In most cases, you will get the latest version of the program and a printed manual. Most shareware programs are constantly being improved so when you register, there is a good chance that you will get a newer version the one you are registering for. You will also be eligible for technical support (usually by phone, letter or CompuServe). The registered version will also be free of any trailers or opening (nag) screens on it, telling you to register. If you register a program from outside of the USA, you should mail the author a US-draft or a bank check in US-Dollars. If the author accepts Visa or Mastercard, you can simply give your Visa / Mastercard number and expiration date. The usual period of time for evaluation of a program before registering is about 30 days. ******************************************************************* Limited Warranty and Disclaimer American Databankers Corporation warrants that its CD-ROM disk media are free from defects for 90 days and will replace any defective media within that time period upon receipt of such defective media, postage prepaid. American Databankers Corporation disclaims all other warranties relating to this software, whether express, implied, statutory or in any communication with you, and specifically disclaims any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or use. American Databankers Corporation does not warrant that the operation of this software will be uninterrupted or error-free. Some states do not allow the exclusion of implied warranties, so the above exclusions may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights. You may also have other rights which vary from state to state. Limitation of Liability In no event will American Databankers Corporation be liable for any damages. Including: loss of data, lost profits, cost of cover or other special, incidental, consequential or indirect damages arising from the use or attempted use of this software or accompanying documentation, however caused and on any theory of liability. This limitation will apply even if American Databankers Corporation has been advised of the possibility of such damage. Under no circumstances shall the liability of American Databankers Corporation exceed the actual amount paid to and received by American Databankers Corporation in connection with the particular copy of the software in question. Some states do not allow the limitation or exclusion of liability for incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation may not apply to you. This agreement shall be governed by the laws of the state of Oklahoma without regard to the choice of law rules of such state. NETWORK (LAN) SYSTEM NOTICE: The number of network systems is large and there can be significant differences between the hardware and software specifications of each. Therefore, American Databankers Corporation does not guarantee the compatibility of The SOFTWAREVAULT Collection on CD-ROM with any particular network system. ******************************************************************* All files on The SoftwareVault Collection CD-ROM's are tested for viruses, using the internationally recognized standard anti-virus utility, ViruScan, from McAfee Associates. Millions of computer users and over 16,000 corporations have made the McAfee anti-viral utilities their choice for virus protection. ViruScan's advanced detection technology, including pattern-matching, algorithmic scanning, and validation code checking, can find even the most challenging mutating and encrypting (polymorphic) viruses. It consistently finds known and unknown viruses and their variants, without the "false-alarms" that have become commonplace with some less-sophisticated virus checkers. In the Virus Detection and Protection Category on this CD-ROM, you will find the complete suite of McAfee anti-virus products; ViruScan, the virus detector you run from the command-line; Clean-Up, the virus remover and disinfector; VShield, the Terminate-And-Stay-Resident (TSR) infection preventer; NetShield, the Netware-Loadable-Module (NLM) version of ViruScan. For further information, or to register your copy of a McAfee anti-viral product, contact: McAfee Associates, Inc. 2710 Walsh Ave, Suite 200 Santa Clara, CA 95051 (408) 988-3832 (Voice) (408) 970-9727 (FAX) (408) 988-4004 (BBS) ******************************************************************* American Databankers Corporation is principally a software publisher. We design, publish and directly support a line of proprietary software in several categories. Our software products range from a menu and utilities package specifically created for the novice to average user to very sophisticated industrial products created for use by other programmers to solve specific problems. We design and write utilities, installation programs and multilingual procedures for publishers of software in the United States and in several foreign countries. We also manufacture and distribute The SOFTWAREVAULT collection of CD-ROM Software. Our collection of CD-ROM Software is unique because of the very large number of programs, serveral thousands, and because no program is duplicated in more than one collection of programs. In addition, we provide you with a free copy of The Librarian, a complete database of all of the files on the CD. You may search on any subject and when you select a program, the Librarian will create the necessary directories (if you ask it to), copy the program from the CD-ROM and unpack the programs and files for you. The Librarian can also create directory listing text files for any BBS, or export information to a file in any one of several different word processing formats, and filter or search by any subject. The Collection - hundreds of megabytes of fantastic shareware programs. Many of which are better than commercial programs. The single most significant distinguishing feature of American Databankers is the depth of knowledge we maintain for all of the software we carry. When you telephone our technical support staff, you speak with an experienced programmer who is familiar not only with our products, but also with all facets of the complex problems which beset the industry. We stand behind every program we carry and we value every one of our customers. We provide genuine help when you need it and we offer the same high quality of service to end-users, dealers, programmers, distributors and OEMs. We maintain a 24-hour Bulletin Board with separate conferences for each of our products. In addition to the free software which is available on the Bulletin Board, information is exchanged by programmers, dealers and VARs and the Bulletin Board may also be used to send us a technical inquiry, request assistance with a special problem or ask for technical support. Our products may also be ordered by credit card on the Bulletin Board at any time of the day or night on our BBS, or by phone during business hours. When you buy, resell or distribute American Databanker's products, you also receive the knowledge and experience necessary to ensure satisfaction and performance. Shareware Authors that wish to have their software approved for any of our SOFTWAREVAULT Collections should send complete copies of their programs (uncrippled and as you want them to appear) to: AUTHOR SUBMISSIONS American Databankers Corporation 5220 East 69th Place Tulsa, OK 74136 ****************************************************************** American Databankers Corporation offers the SOFTWAREVAULT BBS free to end-users, licensees, OEMs, dealers and distributors of ADC products. The BBS has several nodes and is available 24 hours per day, every day of the year. Phone Number: (918) 497-1200 Modem Communication Parameters: 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit Baud Rates supported: 1200/14400 ALL BBS USERS: When dialing into the BBS for the first time, please answer ALL of the questions on the NEW USER QUESTIONNAIRE. We ask for basic information such as company name, your name, address, work phone number, home phone number, the password you would like to have, and if you own any ADC products. We cannot grant BBS access without this basic information. If you wish immediate access for downloads, you can request immediate call-back verification. BBS USERS WHO BOUGHT DIRECTLY FROM US: We also require the serial number of your ADC product. Please have this information handy before dialing into the BBS and filling out the questionnaire. The BBS Operators must have the serial number(s) of your product(s) to determine what download security clearance to give you. BBS USERS WHO PURCHASED FROM A DEALER: Download security for end-users who purchased product from a dealer is determined from the end-user registration card. Please be sure to mail your card to American Databankers Corporation if you want to access more than the Main Board Conference on the BBS. ALL END-USERS: All end-users, regardless of where they purchased the product, should send in their registration cards. CONFERENCES: You will be able to join particular conferences based upon whether you are a dealer or an end-user, and what products you own. Every user can access the Main Board Conference, where messages and questions for the BBS operators can be left. There is also a Dealers and Distributors Conference as well as special conferences for our products such as SNAP and the SoftwareVAULT Collections of CDROMs. ******************************************************************* 1 - Hottest Games 13 7,377,351 2 - Adventure 41 10,728,965 3 - Arcade 191 30,859,818 4 - Casino 48 6,288,737 5 - Demos 47 26,479,793 6 - Doors 81 10,097,795 7 - Educational 9 1,818,320 8 - Hints 51 2,271,991 9 - Miscellaneous 163 21,333,089 10 - Programming 17 8,224,198 11 - Puzzles 75 5,389,824 12 - Role Playing 43 6,400,635 13 - Sports 107 13,742,533 14 - Windows 26 2,177,394 *** TOTAL FILE COUNT AND SIZE *** 912 153,190,443 ******************************************************************** A thriller action adventure epic that will appeal to Duke Nukem fans! Game designed by Jim Norwood Core game engine by Id Software You are Snake Logan, a top CIA operative who likes to do things his own way. Metro City has fallen under the attack of hideous mutants and your mission is to fly recon over the city and report back. While circling over the city you're shot down by hostile forces and forced to crash land on the streets of Metro. Grabbing what supplies you can find you are out to discover the source of these mutants and especially the guy who shot you down! Intelligence reports indicate that a man calling himself Dr. Mangle is responsible for the mutants and the destruction of Metro. You will have to battle your way through many levels packed with evil mutants and robotic guards to finally infiltrate Mangle's fortress and defeat him. You think to yourself that this will be your most dangerous mission of your life. ** Exciting Features ** * Developed using a game engine developed by Id Software, designers of Doom. * Fantastically animated creatures and menacing robotic enemies to outwit. * Non-stop, Duke Nukem-style, kick-'em-in-the-butt, shoot every- thing action! * Exciting and brilliantly drawn graphics, with stunning variety and realism. * Full Ad Lib music soundtrack and sound effects. * Big boss creatures to battle! * Several weapons at your disposal, plus four secret weapons and maneuvers! * Many secret areas to discover. * Three skill levels. Joystick support. Save and restore games. * Over two years in development. * 80286 or higher required due to animation and special effects. Snake Logan is a weapons expert, and uses several throughout the game, including a high-powered machine gun (you NEED to hear to sound effect for this!) and grenades. Snake can also perform special maneuvers, like the one described here: SUPER PLASMA BOLT: Hold the up arrow, (or up on the joystick), until you hear an electrical charge sound. Once you hear this sound, press the fire button and a plasma beam will shoot in the direction you are facing burning through a whole line of enemies! Beware, this is a powerful weapon and the toxic fume cloud it leaves behind inflicts one point of damage on Snake! Use this weapon wisely and carefully! Other secret maneuvers include the FIRE BALL ATTACK, the ELECTRON SHIELD, and the INVINCIBILITY BURST. But you'll have to discover these while playing the game. *** FILE *** BMENACE.ZIP Total file space needed = 1,017,436 bytes ******************************************************************* >> BRIX << FROM EPIC MEGAGAMES Brix is an arcade and puzzle experience! Don't let the ultra smooth 256- color VGA graphics and animation fool you into thinking Brix is just an arcade game, because your brain will be taunted, teased, and twisted as must as your reflexes. Your task in Brix seems simple: Eliminate all of the colored bricks by uniting them. But the 112 levels in Brix I are also habitated by lasers, elevators, boiling acid, anti-gravity, teleporters, and more! There are enough hand-crafted puzzles in this Epic action-puzzler duo to keep you busy for eons. Check out Brix, another fine release from the publishers of Jill of the Jungle, ZZT, and Kiloblaster. Written by Michael Riedel, published by Epic MegaGames. Registration is $30 + $4 p&h, and includes Brix I and Brix II Deluxe, and a disk of bonus games. See ORDER.DOC for ordering info! Requirements: 256-color VGA graphics 640K memory and DOS 3.0 or later, and a hard disk Also supports: Sound Blaster & compatible music cards Mouse *** FILE *** BRIX12.ZIP Total file space needed = 629,592 bytes ******************************************************************* >> CASTLE OF THE WINDS << For Microsoft Windows 3.0 or later By Rick Saada * Published by Epic MegaGames The challenge of Fantasy Role-Playing meets the quality of Microsoft Windows Epic MegaGames brings you Castle of the Winds, a fantasy role playing game created by Rick Saada. Your quest begins with A Question of Vengeance, as you try to discover the secret of your mysterious past, and why is has proven so deadly to those you love. It then continues with Lifthransir's Bane, as you attempt to vanquish the dark forces of evil which plague the land and are after your life! Set in the world of Norse mythology, this game has plenty of surprises. Nearly a hundred unique monsters oppose your quest, and there are hundreds of enchanted objects to aid you. Castle of the Winds presents a new style of adventure game. While the anchor points of the story remain the same, most of the adventure is created anew every time you play, so the game can be enjoyed again and again. Fans of fantasy and adventure games will love this one. With over three years in development, this game beats commercial Windows games hands down, and extensive online help gets you off to a great start on your journey. Requirements: Windows 3.0 or later Hard disk At least 1 meg RAM. Ordering: $25+$2 p&h includes registration, hint sheet, and Castle of the Winds part II, Lifthransir's Bane. *** FILE *** CASTLE.ZIP Total file space needed = 1,069,934 bytes ******************************************************************* Amazing 256-color VGA parallax scrolling, Sound Blaster music and digital effects, with long and absorbing cinematics. Due to amazing ANIMATION, this game requires a 386 or faster. Halloween Harry is the first of new generation of Apogee games. A big-time production with no detail overlooked. Professional musical soundtrack, brilliant full-VGA graphics, non-stop animation and impressive start-game and end-game cinematic animations (it's like watching a movie). If Duke Nukem has a twin separated at birth, it's got to be the character of Halloween Harry! Harry has an armory of weapons he can find and use, besides the devastating flame thrower that he starts the game with. And Harry's jet pack takes him to spots on a level that normal heroes could not reach. Earth is on the verge of a takeover by aliens intent on turning humans into mindless slave zombies, who can be used in their conquest of the universe. Harry's called into action to Space Station Liberty, and given orders to penetrate the alien ship which has borrowed itself under a high-rise city. In addition to the flame thrower, Harry can use weapons dispensers he finds during the game, giving him weapons like the photon cannon, guided missiles, grenades, shields, micro nukes, and the very powerful Omega bomb. It's an arsenal that will have the aliens shakin' in their slimy shoes. NOTE: 80386 or better required, due to impressive animation and action. STUNNING FEATURES * Best 256-color VGA "platform" game ever seen on the IBM PC * Ear-popping Sound Blaster music and sound effects * Nearly a dozen cinematic sequences * Huge boss aliens in each of the four missions * Absorbing integrated (and funny) story, which proceeds each mission * The best VGA graphics and animation ever seen in a platform action game * Built-in radar mode to help Harry locate hostages on each level * Many secrets and bonuses to discover--lots of replay value * Save/restore, joystick support, cheat mode, three skill levels, and more *** FILE *** HARRY.ZIP Total file space needed = 3,393,933 bytes ******************************************************************* >> JILL OF THE JUNGLE << VERSION 1.0 Published by Epic MegaGames Jill of the Jungle is the hottest shareware game release ever! Epic MegaGames brings you a new era in computer entertainment with this 256-color VGA arcade-adventure game which is up to par with the top Sega Genesis and Super Nintendo hits. Features digital sound effects and a musical soundtrack for the Sound Blaster and compatible cards! Guide the beautiful Jill through sixteen huge smooth-scrolling levels, each filled with vivid new scenery and animated creatures. Not only can Jill run, jump, and use objects -- she can also magically transform into other creatures such as birds, fish, and frogs. In fact, you will do quite a bit of hopping, flying, and swimming to solve this game. Jill also supports CGA and EGA cards, but the real thrill of this game is the spectacular 256-color VGA artwork and animation. In fact, we believe games like Duke Nukum could learn a few tricks from the smoothly-animated Jill. Requirements: CGA, EGA, or VGA graphics (supports 256-color graphics.) 80286 or faster processor recommended 512K memory and DOS 3.0 or later Also supports: Sound Blaster & compatible music cards Joystick *** FILE *** JILL.ZIP Total file space needed = 629,592 bytes ******************************************************************* In the not-so-distant future the calamity of World War III led to eventual world peace. But it did not last... Earth was invaded by alien marauders--the Kretons. Earth's united military force, still depleted after the mighty onslaught of WWIII, was not nearly sufficient to repel the numerous Kreton attacks. It was discovered that the Kretons had used a wormhole to invade our region of space from their home worlds. And with that knowledge Earth called into action Major Harrison Stryker, hero of WWIII, to travel back through the worm hole and destroy the Kreton's home world headquarters. With almost no chance of success, you accept the mission... Major Stryker is the first Apogee game with "triple-parallax scrolling", adding to the illusion of depth and danger. Your mission is to pilot a high-powered, armored space ship through dozens of stunning scenarios, such as space stations, lava caves and alien cities. Exciting features: Ad Lib music and Sound Blaster digitized effects. EGA/VGA high-speed animated graphics. Cinematic sequences. Unlike any other Apogee game yet. Full of bonuses and secrets to discover. Save and restore up to 10 games. Play with joystick or keyboard. Exciting demo mode. If you're into action-filled, heart pounding shoot 'em ups, then Major Stryker is your ticket to adventure. *** FILE *** STRYKER.ZIP Total file space needed = 1,914,262 bytes ******************************************************************* Journey into an Aztec pyramid and survive the adventure of a lifetime! No other game forces you to die in order to complete it! That's just one of many incredible plot twists in this excellent puzzle-oriented arcade/adventure game. In Paganitzu you'll guide your character, Alabama Smith (Al), into a vast and dangerous Aztec pyramid. Indiana Jones never had it so tough! Inside, you'll confront traps of increasing perplexity, and creatures you never dreamed existed. This is a genuine adventure--not just a series of levels to conquer. You can follow different routes to achieve the winning goal. In fact, you can finish Paganitzu and still have missed many of the game's intriguing situations or animated sequences. Phenomenal animated sequences carry you through the entire pyramid and to a dramatic conclusion. In part one, "Romancing the Rose", Al discovers that the ancient Aztec pyramid, known as "Paganitzu", holds many dark secrets. Al inadvertently releases a spirit of immense power, who's desire is to ravage the world. Part two, "The Silver Dagger", finds Al exploring deeper into the Aztec ruin, in search for clues to help halt the powerful force he's released. Al enters a world of fiery devastation, filled with all new graphics and perils. This game has two huge animated sequences that are worth the price of admission in themselves! Finally, in part three, "Jewel of the Yucatan", Al discovers a horrifying truth--the pyramid of Paganitzu is actually a living entity, which he could not see as a living person! Can Al still save the world? Will he escape with his life! The chilling end awaits...? Paganitzu is an innovative arcade game. It tests your mind more than your finger speed. Each part has new puzzles, new graphics, and stunning story surprises. You won't be bored! Exciting features: High-speed animation Many full-screen images Dramatic animated sequences Arcade quality sound effects Over 1 Meg of graphics. Built-in hints Often hilarious game Save and restore five games Many secret rooms and treasures By the way: "Paganitzu" is Aztec for "Temple of the Gods". *** FILE *** PAGA.ZIP Total file space needed = 433,015 bytes ******************************************************************* >> PC BACKGAMMON << Version 5.12 PC-Gammon v5.12 is possibly the best backgammon game available for the IBM-PC. Listen to what others have had to say about PC-Gammon: "PC-Gammon is the best computerized backgammon game I've seen. ... You can use it to hone your skills so that you can defeat mere humans." Scott Thomas - Shareware Update. "PC-Gammon is the best shareware backgammon game to date. (We called to register as soon as we finished reviewing it!). It plays a very good game, but really shines when it comes to the user interface." Nelson Ford - PsL News PC-Gammon will provide you with a skilled computer opponent who will give you a run for your money. An ergonomic user interface that is easy to use combined with crisp EGA, VGA or Hercules graphics, with optional mouse support, make PC-Gammon a pleasure to play. Look at the features PC-Gammon has: Score History for an unlimited number of players Auto/Manual Dice Rolls Doubling Save/Load games Game Logging Game Editor 3 Play Styles (Conservative, Aggressive & "Out for Blood") & More! Plus... Our Exclusive "Modem Play" feature that allows you to play in full graphics mode with a friend, by modem. If you like backgammon, then you'll love PC-Gammon. *** FILES *** PCGAM512.ZIP Total file space needed = 288,408 bytes. ******************************************************************** >> EPIC PINBALL << Version 1.0 Published by Epic MegaGames Epic Pinball brings true arcade-style Pinball to life on your PC! The 256-color scrolling VGA graphics, digital music and sound, and ultra- realistic style will take your breath away! This true commercial-quality product was created by the authors of Silverball, the new record-setting retail pinball game. The shareware version of Epic Pinball showcases the ANDROID pinball table. True to the 1990's pinball style, you must make an increasingly-challenging series of shots to bring the Android to life! The dazzling graphics, real pinball sounds, and authentic look and feel will keep you hooked on Epic Pinball - a great game for the whole family. ** EPIC PINBALL Features ** * Ultra smooth-scrolling 256-color VGA graphics. The animation runs at an astounding 60 frames per second! * A lavishly-illustrated, robust pinball table. * Realistic pinball action, sound, music, and thrills! * Features a special multiple-ball mode! Play up to five balls on the table simultaneously. * Accurately reflects a 1990's-style Pinball table. * Real digital pinball sound effects. * A unique digital musical score. ** EPIC PINBALL Gadgets ** Drop Targets Ball-return gates Spinners Multi-Level Playfields Kickbacks Tunnels Messenger Balls Multiple-ball mode Habitrails Bonus Advances Rollovers Jackpots Skill shots Much, much more! Requirements: * IBM-compatible computer with VGA graphics * A Hard Disk * 640K of memory Also supports: * Sound Blaster, SB Pro, Gravis Ultrasound, and compatible music cards. *** FILE *** PINBALL.ZIP Total file space needed = 1,703,044 bytes ******************************************************************* A Top-Notch EGA/VGA Action/Adventure Scrolling Game. You're agent 006 , top agent of the government's secret organization committed to protecting the world against terrorists and power-mad criminals. Your mission is to parachute into a high-security island outpost and secure the plans to the ultimate satellite laser weapon, which was recently stolen from the government. In the wrong hands this weapon could mean world control by the DVS, the world's most dangerous terrorist organization. You will isolated from outside help as you parachute into the secret island fortress of the DVS. You will need to knock out the vast security system, bypass dozens of extreme traps, overcome hundreds of multi-talented guards (such as thugs, ninjas, sharp-shooters, knife throwers, sentries, dogs, and many robots), and find the missing blue prints. If possible, take out the devious leader of the DVS (sorry, no file picture available). Secret Agent is a full-screen scrolling game, where you sneak around a huge map and enter various hideouts. In each unique hideout you'll search for the laser blue prints, dodge traps, solve puzzles, and blast the bad guys! All in good fun. Save/restore, joystick support, EGA/VGA graphics, and much more. *** FILE *** AGENT.ZIP Total file space needed = 323,197 bytes ******************************************************************* >> SOLAR WINDS << Published by Epic MegaGames Created by James Schmalz Episode 1: The Escape Solar Winds combines both fast-action arcade excitement with a detailed story that develops as you progress through the game. With 256-color VGA graphics and a beautifully-orchestrated musical sound track, this 1993 Epic MegaGames shareware release rivals many commercial games in its genre! Featuring a Sound Blaster sound track and cinematic animation. In Solar Winds, you play the role of Jake Stone, bounty hunter. As you explore the galaxy on various missions, you'll fend off hostile attackers to achieve your goals. Meanwhile, a dark and mysterious plot develops as you progress. The nature of the plot won't be fully revealed until you solve Solar Winds. This is Episode 1, The Escape. Solar Winds is situated in space and features smooth-scrolling 256-color graphics as you navigate around the galaxy. In addition to using your arcade skills, Solar Winds requires quite a bit of strategy to master. Requirements: VGA graphics (uses 256 colors) 80286 or faster processor 512K memory and DOS 3.0 or later Also supports: Sound Blaster music card -- for great music & digital sound effects Joystick Mouse *** FILE *** SOLAR.ZIP Total file space needed = 1,156,855 bytes ******************************************************************* WINNER OF THREE SHAREWARE INDUSTRY AWARDS, INCLUDING PEOPLE'S CHOICE AWARD! Available in 256-color VGA only *** REQUIRES an 80286 or better system to run. *** Wolfenstein 3-D is simply a technology breakthrough! The first person perspective 3-D game play you'll be viewing is the fastest of any PC game. Incredible Sound Blaster digitized sound effects are used throughout the game. Note: The shareware version has just a limited sampling of digitized effects. To get ALL of the digitized effects, you must buy the full trilogy. Sound Blaster Pro owners will hear the digitized effects in STEREO! The story: You're William J. "B.J." Blazkowicz, the Allies' bad boy of espionage and a terminal action seeker. Your mission was to infiltrate the Nazi fortress Castle Hollehammer and find the plans for Operation Eisenfaust, the Nazi's blueprint for building the perfect army. Rumors are that deep within the castle the diabolical Dr. Schabbs has perfected a technique for building a fierce army from the bodies of the dead. It's so far removed from reality that it would seem silly if it wasn't so sick. But what if it were true? You were never given the chance to find out! Captured in your attempt to grab the secret plans, you were taken to the Nazi prison, Castle Wolfenstein, for questioning and eventual execution. Will you be able to escape and finish your world-saving mission? As an escaped prisoner in a Nazi war prison, you will move smoothly through a 3-D world full of amazing detail and animation. Unlike other 3-D games, you'll move SMOOTHLY through a sensational and realistic 3-D environment, with intelligent moving guards and opponents. This is a high-action game. Use your rapid fire machine gun to mow down a line of enemies, or sneak up on a guard with your knife so you don't waste your limited ammunition. Id Software, the creators of Commander Keen, have broken new ground with their all-new Wolfenstein 3-D. Intense and mood-setting Ad Lib music throughout the entire game. Incredible digitized effects for Sound Blaster and Disney Sound Source. Fastest 3-D VGA animated full-screen wide game available for IBM PC! Play with keyboard, joystick, mouse or Gravis GamePad. Save and restore games, plus quick-save and quick-load hot keys Must be played on an 80286 or better machine. Does not run on XT systems. PARENTAL WARNING: Wolfenstein 3-D, due to its intensely realistic visuals, is recommended for children above 12 years of age. For younger players we recommend parental approval. We have voluntarily rated this game PC-13, (Profound Carnage!), which equates to violence seen in a PG-13 movie. *** FILE *** WOLF3D.ZIP Total file space needed = 1,343,052 bytes ******************************************************************* >> ZONE 66 << EPIC MEGAGAMES presents a game from RENAISSANCE PRODUCTIONS You have landed in a clearing. Frantically, you rush through the woods toward the lights of the city far off in the distance. A vision of your family dances in your head -- your wife and the newborn daughter you have not yet seen. You must save them. As you finally scramble to a bluff panoramically overlooking the city, you see the lights in the sky and you realize it is too late. The flash nearly blinds you, and when vision returns, you feel nothing but anger as the massive mushroom cloud looms over the city. You are too late to save your home, but other cities remain, and they are vulnerable. It is up to you alone to unravel the plot and hold back the enemy attackers. Requirements: * VGA graphics * 2 Megabyte of memory and DOS 3.0 or later * 80386 or faster computer * Nerves of steel Also supports: * Sound Blaster, Adlib, and Gravis Ultrasound music cards * Joystick *** FILE *** ZONE66.ZIP Total file space needed = 1,569,507 bytes ******************************************************************* and hold back the enemy attackers. Requirements: * VGA graphics * 2 Megabyte of memory and DOS 3.0 or later * 80386 or faster computer * Nerves of steel Also supports: * Sound Blast